With expertise, guidance, support, and timely information High School 411 helps unravel New York City’s public high school process,
with two distinct paths—a seasonal membership, and one-on-one consults—so you have options to gather information, ask questions, and stay on schedule while making thoughtful and informed choices.

A High School 411 membership includes real time email alerts about available high school viewing opportunities, admissions criteria information for screened and selective schools, deadlines, and relevant updates and changes as they are released. There’s a members only website section with important dates updated in real time, a newsletter archive, and relevant school data. Memberships last from sign up through application submission that calendar year, with info and support shared about offers and waitlists. Click the box below to sign up.

Book one-on-one time to talk through everything from how the process works, the SHSAT and specialized high schools, and audition based programs, to random lottery numbers, screened school admissions changes, putting together a well-rounded main round application and more.
Click here to be in touch or, click the link below to schedule a consult.

Check out Elissa talking about high school on All of It with Alison Stewart, WNYC.